So what's in your house?
Two men were arrested today in connection with a $4 million burglary of a Bridge City home, according to a statement from the sheriff's department. Orange County Sheriff Mike White siad it was the largest burglary he could remember. The Enterprise is curious... What part of Southeast Texa...
Beaumont Firefighters pay raise
1 2 3 4 5
This forum has been closed. Thank you for participating in our online forums. District Judge James Mehaffy upheld an arbitration award in its entirety Monday which awards Beaumont firefighters a 9 percent raise every year for three years retroactively effective October 200...
Beaumont Enterprise Moderator
Work Days
Lets get one thing perfectly clear. It has been said that firefighters only work on average 7 days a month after figuring in vacation and kelly days. THIS IS A LIE SPREAD BY THE CITY MANAGEMENT
Each so-called "day" is in fact 24 hrs, or 3 8-HOUR DAYS! The firefighters work 48 hrs a week (th...
Craig and De De
Your first Thanksgiving Dinner
What was your first Thanksgiving cooking experience? Did you burn the turkey? Forget the dinner rolls?
Click reply and tell us all about it.
Beaumont Enterprise Moderator
Mon Nov 13 9:19 PM, 2006
by Beaumont Enterprise Moderator
Rough Beauty- Photographs by Dave Anderson
Arkansas photographer Dave Anderson's new book of photographs, Rough Beauty, features Vidor. Some in the community are not happy with the book. Some are happy. After reading the story of Dave Anderson's photographs, following the links and looking at some of his photographs... Click reply...
Beaumont Enterprise Moderator
A new slogan for Beaumont?
Beaumont is on its way to sporting a new slogan after City Council unanimously approved a contract launching an extensive research process to determine a slogan that will best characterize the area and accentuate Beaumont's strengths.
Can you help the city out?
Post a repl...
Beaumont Enterprise Moderator
Stand Tall Beautiful Mountain.
Vick Nelson
Who do YOU think won the Jefferson County Judge candidate's debate?
Who do YOU think won the debate between Jefferson County judge candidates Billy Job and Ron Walker and why did he win? Tell us by clicking REPLY. -- Edited by Beaumont Enterprise Moderator at 21:28, 2006-10-24
Beaumont Enterprise Moderator
Cell Phones in Schools
How should schools deal with cell phones? -- Edited by Beaumont Enterprise Moderator at 18:38, 2006-10-09
Beaumont Enterprise Moderator
Kansas church plans protest at local soldier's funeral
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How does it make you feel to know that the Rev. Fred Phelps and anti-gay protesters plan to picket at Sgt Edward Reynolds funeral in Beaumont? Click HERE to share thoughts and reflections about SSgt Edward 'Jay' Reynolds. -- Edited by Beaumont Enterprise Moderator at 13:11, 2006-10-06 -- Ed...
Beaumont Enterprise Moderator
Bmt. Firefighters raise
In my opinion Kyle Hayes is using tax increases and job layoffs as a scare tactic. Simply because he doesn't have anything else. Mr. Hayes, don't insult our intelligence. You are an embarrassment to this city with your persistence in pursuing this matter. As is our ELECTED city council...
concerned citizen
Bmt. Firefighters raise
In my opinion Kyle Hayes is using tax increases and job layoffs as a scare tactic. Simply because he doesn't have anything else. Mr. Hayes, don't insult our intelligence. You are an embarrassment to this city with your persistence in pursuing this matter. As is our elected city council for sup...
concerned citizen
Jefferson County Courthouse 75th anniversary
Do you have a special memory of the Jefferson County Courthouse from the past 75 years? Share it here by clicking on 'reply' above. -- Edited by Beaumont Enterprise Moderator at 19:00, 2006-10-20
Beaumont Enterprise Moderator
Fri Oct 20 5:57 PM, 2006
by Beaumont Enterprise Moderator
The Battle of Texas
Tell us who you wil be rooting for when the Dallas Cowboys and the Houston Texans meet this Sunday and why. We'd like to publish some of your comments on Sunday. If you would like your comments considered for publication in the print edition of The Enterprise please email a copy of them with...
Beaumont Enterprise Moderator
Response to North Korea's nuclear test.
What should the U.S. response be to North Korea's nuclear test?
Beaumont Enterprise Moderator
Mon Oct 9 11:39 AM, 2006
by Beaumont Enterprise Moderator
You're on view -- Painting a portrait of those who visit AMSET
Is it Mona Lisa’s enigmatic smile that captivates you like no other work of art? Maybe it’s the colorful whirls of "The Starry Night" or the haunting terror of "Guernica?"
Click reply to tell us — and all BeaumontEnterprise.com readers — what piece of art you most enjoy and why.
Beaumont Enterprise Moderator
Orange tries legal tack to buy water utility
The quote from this article from the city attorney - "We need some direction because we feel like we have an obligation to provide high quality water and sewer service to this area." BS! The folks would rather that you didn't annex them to begin with! You don't want to provide high q...
A sunnier prediction for the 2006 hurricane season
How does the sunnier outlook for the rest of the 2006 hurricane season make you feel? Let us know by replying to this posting. -- Edited by Beaumont Enterprise Moderator at 16:18, 2006-10-04
Beaumont Enterprise Moderator
Snake Stories
The Enterprise would like to hear your snake horror stories.
Click on reply and share your story with us and your fellow Enterprise readers and then take our poll.
Beaumont Enterprise Moderator
Hurricane Rita: From wreckage to rebirth
Where are Southeast Texans now?
After Hurricane Rita’s fury subsided last September, some Southeast Texans found it the time to move on or take advantage of opportunities elsewhere. If you are one of those Southeast Texans, we would like to hear about your Rita experience and where you a...
Beaumont Enterprise Moderator
Mon Sep 18 10:18 AM, 2006
by Beaumont Enterprise Moderator
9/11: Five years later
The Enterprise would like to know...
How and in what ways has your life changed since 9/11?
Click REPLY and share your story.
Some of our reader's comments may appear in our 9/11 anniversary stories on Sunday September 10th. If you would like us to consider your comments for publication please...
Terror Survey
WASHINGTON (AP) — Fears of another terrorist attack are intensely personal for those who live in the two cities struck Sept. 11, 2001 — New York and Washington.
Well over half of New Yorkers and Washingtonians are worried their cities will be attacked again, an AP-Ipsos poll found. N...