I think thier time shoudl be more spent on helping the homeless and others in need if they are that bored,in my opinion its just of way of stupid asses trying to get attention and be famous hell you wonna be famous go be an actor and leave innocent families you know nothing about out of it,if the economy was better men wouldnt have to sign of for the military so they need to be picketing for more jobs at whitehouse,like forrest gump said stupid is as stupid does lol
Let em come. I hope those wierdos remember that they will not be in Kansas anymore Southeasttexas isn't like those other places where people are allowed to do stupid stuff just because its their right. We also will do something, usually towards the physical. If anyone will supply the bats, I'll supply the blankets. If not, then we all need to make signs that say "I'm from Beaumont and I'm not with stupid" and have an arrow pointing at the protestors.
anonymous soldier wrote: First off I would like to pay my respects to my fellow fallen soldier and to his family. These protesters are an abomination and disgrace to the whole country. I beleive that these so-called "christians" have obviously been reading the wrong bible because in my bible no where does it say that this is right. SSGT. Reynolds is a true hero to everyone in this country and his heroic actions will be remembered by all.
First off I would like to pay my respects to my fellow fallen soldier and to his family. These protesters are an abomination and disgrace to the whole country. I beleive that these so-called "christians" have obviously been reading the wrong bible because in my bible no where does it say that this is right. SSGT. Reyonalds is a true hero to everyone in this country and his heroic actions will be remembered by all.
If the community will organize to protect the family and let it be know that the protesters will be allow to even get close to the church or the cemetary, they will probably not come. Such was the case in my home town, when this Kansas Church let it be know that they would protest the burial of a local solider.
As a friend of Christina Verdejo, SSG Reynolds' fiancé and a military spouse myself, it deeply angers me that the members of this church choose to picket at fallen soldiers' funerals. It seems hypocritical that they choose to protest the soldiers’ funerals that are protecting the very rights that the church is using to express “ITS” opinions. These families have sacrificed enough and should not have to be subjected to the ridiculous chants and signs that this radical group is displaying. My heart goes out to SSG Reynolds and his family. I thank GOD that there is a Patriot Group to help shield the family from this. May you be laid to rest in peace, Jay.
I would consider them trespassers and in Texas we have very old laws on how to deal with tresspassers and it has nothing to do with a court room! Go to Kansas, Washington, or better yet IRAQ and protest! That young man died for you to say your peace but extend him the courtesy of doing it outside of his family's hearing or sight!
This protest by a cult group has no place at a funeral honoring fallen heros.They are not Christians and have no respect for any values Christians hold dear. If they want to protest gays go to San Francisco,If they want to protest government decisions go to Washington.I only hope when this cult group has to have a funeral for one of their loved ones a gay rights group would show up to protest at their "ritual". As brave and honorable as SSG Reynolds was these lowlifes are cowardly and despicable. They should be met at the city limits by some of our goodole boy veterans that have lost a brother in service to let them know they are not welcome or wanted.
As a fellow member of the ArmyMomsUSA_group, I share Starla's feelings.
Brave soldiers, past and present, are the reason that these protestors can protest.
However, when taking actions, one has to be ready to accept the consequences of those actions. I firmly believe that God will judge each and every one of us, in HIS time.
Society, however, is judging them right now.. It is evident in the numbers of people ready and willing to also show up, and offer the families of these brave soldiers their support and protection.
You don't have to support the war to support the soldiers! Regardless your feelings on the war, or the president, this family deserves our undivided support!
Praying for peace for the soldier and the family.... and also praying for the protestors...
Beaumont Enterprise Moderator wrote: How does it make you feel to know that the Rev. Fred Phelps and anti-gay protesters plan to picket at Sgt Edward Reynolds funeral in Beaumont?
I am an Army mom and I know Starla through Army Moms USA on Yahoo. I volunteered to give her bail money if she needed it! I live in Phoenix, Arizona and have attended many funerals for our fallen heros here in Phoenix. The most recent was on September 15, 2006 for SGT Jason Merrill of Mesa, AZ. Thankfully, Rev. Phelps has not gotten this far west with his ugly protesters, but even so we were ready if he had. Every funeral I have attended, the PGR have been there to protect the family and they have done a wonderful job!
This group from Kansas is nothing but a bunch of hatefilled, angry people who abuse their right of free speech. Strala is right, if they want to protest they need to go to Washington DC. I have yet to find anyone that agrees with their propaganda and all they do is cause more anguish. I saw one of Phleps lawyers, who is also his daughter, on Hannity & Combs a couple of nights ago and she was so filled with hate speech!! Absolutely disgraceful!
I'm all for free speech, my son just returned from a year in Iraq defending that right, but there is an appropriate time and place. This group is shouting "FIRE" in a crowded theatre and should be prosecuted accordingly!
Kimberly Kohr VERY proud Army mom of SGT Gregg Baker/OIF verteran 2005-2006
Starla Johnson is a friend of mine through Army Moms. If she says she will be present with the 2x4...they better believe her! And, if she needs bail money, you can bet it will be there.
Starla, myself and 100s of other Army Moms cannot stand what this Kansas Church has done at so many of our fallen's funeral. These brave solider's gave up their lives so people like the members of the Kansas church and protest. These "church members" (and I use this term with some doubt) attend the funerals, protest against homosexuality at our soliders who have given their lives, and all in the name of God. My God is not this kind of God.
I cannot imagine how the Sgt.'s family must be feeling. My son served 1 year in Iraq and thankfully came home in one piece. To have to bury their son and have these people protesting is a horror beyond belief.
I think we need a Hand held group to gather around this group and show them alittle Texas two step on ther heads. We don't have to let these people in our nieborhood if we don't want them here. This Family of An American Hero Needs our help to keep self centered creeps from cause more grief.
I have only been a member of armymomsusa a few weeks, and I have a son in Iraq, I am also a christian.. We all have our choices to make in life, and to be honest. this choice is of the protesters, I can tell you that of all the people in the world, alot more whether they are for the war or not.Are very patriot..What are they really protesting? the war, gays, both??? The protesters need to ask themselves WHAT WOULD JESUS DO??????? Everyone will be judged according to their works here on earth. As they will too. That solider died for their freedom ithis is how they thank him. I pray for each and everyone of the protesters, that they may see what they are doin to his family and the disgrace they are placing on that solider. As a mom of a soldier in iraq, I am just glad I dont live closer to that state..My prayers go out to the family of this solider. May he walk with Jesus..
It infuriates me to no end that these people would do something like that. I just have to say that they are lucky I'm not back home right now (Beaumont). They better stay away from Florida because they will be within driving distance.
Phelps and his 'church' are nothing but a sham. it isn't a church at all, the WBC is phelps and his family, thats it. it isn't even some whacko fundamentalist idea either, phelps and crew are just performing, its all an act. he and many of his family are lawyers, and some say they are provoking in order to launch suits if denied the right to protest funerals etc. Which makes more sense to me in that light, I mean how could you connect the slaying of the amish children to anything else, and what would it have even accomplished? Well it gets a big reaction of course, which was what it was inteneded to do, even just threating to go there. That said, it doesn't make him and his group any less the tossbags, they don't deserve a reaction, they don't deserve attention, if the media would stop sensationalizing them they would go away.
Or maybe a roving gang of southeasttexas vigilantes should chain him up and pull em behind a truck
SSG. Reynolds was a very dear friend to our family. My husband and him were both serving in Iraqi. My husband couldn't attend his best friend's funeral. I know that my husband would agree with what I have to say. Reynolds will always be with us. SSG. Reynolds did his job and did his job well. He was in Iraqi serving and defending his country. He had no control over what the United States do. I think it's a crying shame that we as friends and family can't be given the respect to mourn the loss of a good friend, a gentle husband to his wife Christina and a caring Father to his three children, an excellent leader to his soldiers. So you mean to tell me that he shouldn't be given some Honor and Respect and not have his funeral protested. If the protester feel that strongly about their beliefs about the war then they should be in Iraqi and not our husbands,fathers,mothers,sons and daughters. My deepest sympathy goes out to everyone that had the pleasure of knowing Reynolds. Once again you will never be forgotten.
Freedom of speech? What about these people's right to grieve for their family member in private? As far as that being a Kansas church, I am Baptist and I have never heard of the Baptist religion teaching people to hate others. God is the only one that has a right to judgement. How can this ignorant cult be allowed to protest at a war hero's funeral? It's people like these that have caused many of our saddest moments in history. Remember the crusades, the salem witch trials, ect? What a shame we have laws to protect these nuts but not to protect innocent people who only want to honor the memory of their loved ones.
I think that they need to stop and think of how they are making the fmaily of this gentleman feel. He was not sent over there to die by God he went because he was the one that enlisted in the Armed Forces. I hope that the protesters understand that they will have to go before God when the time comes for them to go home. I was rather upset when I learned of this horrible protesting that was going to take place. I feel that they need to be shown the difference between what is appropriate and what's not appropriate. Our troops are overseas to serve and protect our rights to a free world.
I would like to send a BIG THANK YOU to all of our troops for all that they have done and are doing to keep us safe. They are over there fighting for our freedom. Yes they would like to be home with their loved ones but they are the ones that took the oath to serve our country. We need to be proud of the colors RED, WHITE AND BLUE not put them down. I feel that if God was the ones telling the troops to go then we all would be called home sooner than what his plan is for us.
Therefore, the protestors need to let the family grieve in peace and let them say their goodbyes the way they want.
I feel as all of you do....and as an Air Force Vet, I salute the family and Sgt. Reynolds. As a vet, when a soldier of any armed force dies, you feel part of yourself die. I agree with one of the replies, everyone should get an american flag and line the streets so the protestors can't be seen. To the riders, I think you should still encircle them and rev your motors. Most of all, newspapers and all news networks please focus only on the soldier and his life and his family. Don't give these idiots the publicity they so desire. Do the right thing like they did for the Amish girls and do not give any press to these protestors.
To the family, my deepest sympathy. Your son is a hero for this country. Be honored (I know you are) for his service, fighting so that people like these idiots that are protesting have the freedom they have...which I think should be taken away from them. We all mourn with you, but are extremely honored to know your son, brother, fiance, was fighting for our safety. God Bless all of you
I feel very strongly that the family needs to bury their soldier/family and people that are protesting need to take a step back and respect the family and their deceased. This man died for every American Citizen; all need to take a minute and think about that, he volunteered to save your life! What a sacrifice! at least please let him be buried in a peaceful manner not one that is protested!
The word of God says if my people who are called by my name would humble themselves and pray and seek my face then shall they hear from my God. Doing something as foolish as protesting. thats such a intimate moment between the Family and their love one. It hurts that someone that would call himself a minister would go that far. this person with due respect can't be called by God. God isn't in confusion. God is a good God and he's of righteousness so with that said I bind the enemy and his attacks in the powerful name of Jesus. God will get the victory. And to the family, be strong in the Lord. I applaud this young man for serving. It takes a true soldier to be a hero and thats exactly what he is. God bless you family as you go through this time of grief. God bless you babies. He will be a very present help to you always.
I'm all the way in Dallas and heard of this. Its truly sad. As a former army wife, its hard enough to let them go anywhere; but to be returned in a casket and then defiled by an American, much less a fake Christian???? I don't know how the family can cope with such disrespect; however, I hope their faith in the Almighty will pull them through.
There is a local war memorial that says..."All gave some. Some gave all". Sgt. Reynolds gave ALL for his country. If not for all the soldiers from past generations of Americans, we would not have freedom of speech. And those cult members from Kansas wouldn't be safe to show their faces on Saturday. It's an ironic twist that Sgt. Reynolds gave his life for those people to have the freedom to dishonor his funeral. Any person who would choose a funeral, one of the most sacred ceremonies in civilized society, to peddle their message of hate...they dare not call themselves Christian....there is NOTHING remotely Jesus-like in their actions and if he were here, he would tell them so. To be quite blunt, there isn't anything remotely HUMAN about them dishonoring this brave man at his funeral. It's all about peddling THEIR AGENDA! They have no conscience, they have no respect....they have NO HONOR. Sgt. Reynolds knew all about those qualities...he LIVED them. HE DIED FOR THEM.
It is a shame that these hateful folks will show up at a Heros funeral and try to disrupt. I think they need a taste of us Southeastern Texans and learn their lesson once and for all. I am so very proud of Sgt. Reynolds for his Heroism and service for my freedom. FREEDOM IS NOT FREE. I am a Army mom who's daughter is in Iraq. Maybe we should gather this little clan up and drop them off in Bagdad where they belong.
This soldier is a hero. It just floors me that this so called church would come and protest at a hero's funeral. He gave his life so we could be free and this occult is doing this. The Bible says God hates the sin but loves the sinner so these people has it all wrong. We are supposed to love the sinner also. I'm ashamed of these people. I feel for the family of this fine soldier. What did the Bible say about casting the first stone? I think these people need to read the real Bible, God's word, instead of what ever bible they are reading.
Just like my window sticker says "If you dont stand behind our troops PLEASE, feel free to stand in front of them"!! Whether or not you agree with the policies or politics of the war you should always stand behind the brave men and women over there.If they think that America is so wrong then they need to leave.
To Staff Sgt Reynolds: I want to give you my deepest condolences. I apprecaite everthing that your son did for us. It take special men and woman to be able to go out there and fight for our country. He will not be forgotten and you will be in our prayers.
Proud Wife of a Solider in the Texas National Guard
These people must have a different bible from mine. In my bible, Jesus says, "judge not, lest ye be judged". The Kansas publicity hounds should read ALL the bible, not just a tiny segment.
This family does not need any more grief than they already have due to the lose of their loved one. Anyone who would protest a funeral needs to fo back to read his bible. God tells us to honor the mourners.
I grew up in the Vietnam era. There were protesters all around. But you did not find them at a funeral for a fallen soldier. These people need to go back to Kansas and leave us Texans alone. We know how to honor our dead!!!
Please give my condolences to the family. My prayers and thoughts are with them. I have a very good friend who graduated with this young man. Her prayers are with them also.
This church belongs to Satan. I could say more but I can not make My point as clear as they have made theirs. Can You imagine the church agenda, protesting heros and telling news networks that the 5 Amish girls deseve to die. For the question how do I feel the answer is A little more disgusted every day
I have a son in the US Marine Corps that returned from Iraq for the second time last Friday. I thank God everyday for that. My son is in the process of re-enlisting for another four years. I am one of the lucky ones. It is a disgrace to my son and all others that have served, will serve, or are still serving thier country. It is because of these people that that group of people (I will not observe that they are a "church" group) from Kansas have the right to voice an opinion, but not at the expense of these people's funeral for doing what they believe is right. They have no voice to express thier views except by the people that are remembering them. It is not free speech when only one side can speak. I will be there Saturday holding a flag and honoring the man and his family. My heart goes out to them and I hope that the people from Kansas can speak with thier God and realize that what they are doing is in the wrong place at the wrong time.
For Staff Sgt Reynolds family I say HHOOOOOAAAAHHH for a job well done. I am an Army MOM, and I speak for hundreds of ArmyMOMS nationwide, We are very proud of Sgt Reynolds. All gave some, and Sgt Reynolds gave his all for each of us living in this land of freedom. Thank you to Sgt Reynolds MOM for giving us your son that he may protect us. There are hundreds of ArmyMOMS nationwide who are praying for you and thanking you and GOD for Sgt Reynolds. He was very brave for fighting to give the Iraqi's their freedom also. I wish that I could give you an ArmyMOM hug. My love and prayers are with you. I will be there Saturday to show my support for Sgt Reynolds. He will know that he is loved. GOD called this son to be by HIS side. GOD loves you and so do I.......Ms. Starla
I have to wonder who told that false prophet that he is speaking for GOD? In my bible JOHN 3:16 says that For GOD so loved the world....... I don't think there is any thing in there about HIM hating any of us. He merely hates the sin that we commit. Doesn't it say that you must love the sinner, but hate the sin? We are all imperfect. So we must love that mr. phelps but hate the sin he is committing with his attempts to speak for GOD. To speak for GOD he must preach only from the bible. Now let me say that I am not an expert on the bible, but what I do know is that GOD speaks of loving all of us, no matter what our sins are. HE is a loving and forgiving GOD. A funeral is a time of respect and love, not a time to stage a protest. I will be there on the side of the road to show my love and respect to Sgt Reynolds and his family.
I find their behavior disgusting. This appears to me to be more a cult than a Christian church. It is my hope that the governing body of the Baptist church will denounce the actions of this small group of people. Sadly, the rights that SSgt. Reynolds died defending included their right to publicly behave in a most reprehensible manner.
I believe its the wrong time, especially the wrong place to share you opinion about the war. I mean, what a major disrespect when the protesters are bringing their views about gays to a funeral of man that laid his life on the line everyday while he served his country in Iraq. I strongly believe our government should step up and pass some bill stating that nobody should be able to protest at a fallen soldiers funeral at anytime of the day. I do believe the may have some law at now stating they can not protest within so many feet and they have to do it at certain times, but that's not good enough. Let his Fiance,Family and Friends pay respect in a Honorable way. I am a classmate of Jay's, and unfortunately I will not be able to attend the funeral, because I have temporally located to Kansas, but if I was back home I would definitely pay my respect. My brother serviced in Bosnia, and if I had to attend his funeral with these type of protesters, I would be in jail. I wold like to end with this, I am a Christian, and I disagree with the gay lifestyle, but I would not disrespect anybody in route to share my beliefe or opinion,
I have read some of the opinions that they have on ther web site. It is an insult to every veteran that has served, and current military, that these people use the freedom that we have fought (and many died)to provide them to spew this garbage to try to disgrace a fallen service man. The family's loss is hard enough without these "people" ( i use this term lightly) showing up to protest with all there skewed interpretations of the Bible.
My sincere condolances to SSGT Edwards loved ones. His service to our great country will not be forgotten.
"They fought together as Brothers in Arms. They died together & now they sleep side by side. To them we have a solemn obligation." Adm. Chester W. Nimitz
1. The very hottest spot in Hell is going to the people who bankroll Fred Phelps. Someone with very deep pockets is financing this tool. Going from state to state like this isn't cheap.
2. The second hottest spot in Hell will, of course, go to Fred Phelps himself. His taking the name "Christian" for his movement is a crime. The word "Christian" should have been trademarked like Ford or Chevrolet.
I'm quite sure the city of Beaumont didn't issuse a permint to protest this Warrior Homecoming,they should be all arrested an chase back to Kansas (or where ever they came from) with their tails between their legs. If they want to protest, protest in the cities they came from.If the city of Beaumont let the Military take care of these protestors,they wouldn't be near the funeral or His family.
This soldier doesn't have anything to do with with the way this pastor feels about the U.S. as it is related to the gay society. "Church People" of such should not be allowed as the family have their homegoing celebration of life. I hope that the family can ignore such ignorance. God wouldn't have nothing to do with that kind of behavior.
I do not think that it is right that these people are going to come to his funeral and protest. That is not right and I think they should go back to where they came from. With them protesting at his funeral it makes it seem like they have something against him. They need to go back home and protest at home. They are not going to make the family at ease by doing that. MY WORDS TO THEM IS GO BACK HOME WHERE YOU CAME FROM AND LET US THEY ARE FRIENDS AND FAMILY HAVE A PEACE OF MIND AND SEE SGT REYNOLDS LAY TO REST.
I believe that what they are doing is disrespectful to not only our soldier that died for our freedom, but to his family, his friends, and his fellow brothers and sisters of the Armed Forces. Stay away from the's only right.
What I dont understand is how people can let a man like this preach to and teach their children hate like this. They are doing them a huge disservice as they forget so conveniently they are not suposed to judge others lest they be judged. My heart goes out to the family and I just cant find the words to tell them how much I honor their son and let them know for every person like the so called reveren (and I use that term loosley) there are tens of thousands that KNOW the price their son paid for us and the sacrifice the family made for us. All I can humbly say is thank you.
I am appalled that after Staff Sgt. Reynolds paid the ultimate price in service to our country, these people would choose his (and other) funerals to protest a policy that has NOTHING to do with SSgt. Reynolds or his death. It is ungodly, and reprehensible.
This infuriates me. No matter what you think of the policies of President Bush, no matter how you feel about the War on Terror, Edward Reynolds deserves your undying gra****ude and your respect. He gave his life in the service of his country, upholding the rights of people like you, me and the church from Topeka, KS. To disrespect and dishonor him and his family at such a time and in such a way is utterly shameful.
Please join with others who want to let the Reynolds family know that Edward's sacrifice was not in vain. has the information regarding the funeral. If you can, please grab an American flag and line the streets and walkways that lead to the church in order to prevent these dishonorable protestors from being what the Reynolds see.
He gave his life for your freedom. Is it worth an hour or two of your time?
It is the very height of ignorance to stage a protest of national policy at the services of a person sworn to uphold that policy. Members of the armed forces do not forumulate or necessarily even agree with policy, they simply execute it. This is wrongheaded and mean-spirited. I'm disgusted with them and hope, as Mr. Reeves said, they get no traction.