I think I know a little bit about how cops think. You see my son is a Houston officer, my nephew was chief of police in a large city, and both my son-in-law and ex-son-in-law are police officers. I realize there are some gung-ho types that do things they should not do but most cops do not want to kill anybody. They just don't want to get killed. They want to come home to their wives and kids. They just want to do their jobs and come home safely. They have to make split-second decisions that can mean death to themselves or their partners & sometimes that isn't easy. That's when their extensive training kicks in and they do as they have been trained to do and are hired to do. Some of you who are doing the most whining and complaining should have to live in a world where there are no cops. I know some neighborhoods are more dangerous than others now but think how it would be if there was no protection at all. These are just mortal men given extraordinary responsibilities and we need to cut them some slack and not assume that they are blatant killers looking for someone to mow down. Their wives, mothers and children love them too & worry that they may not make the right decision in a split second and lose their lives over it. Those who we have known who did ultimately have to take someone down had to live with the questions about their performance under stress for the rest of their lives. It is not an easy thing to live with, the taking of another life, and they don't take it lightly I can assure you.
I'm just thankful that God was mentioned, because He is our creator and He is not willing that any of us should perish. I'm just sad to know that another life is lost. So, I too say, Lord have mercy on all of us.
I am sick of people getting on here and writing their sob stories about a drug dealer who got himself killed. You know the beauty of our country is that people have the right to choose their own path and you have the freedom to speak your mind and exercise your rights. The drug dealer, chose his path which ultimately led to his death. He is the only person that made the choice to try and run over officers. I guess they should have told him to stop one more time, or sir please don't kill me with that speeding car. Or if they would have moved and let him leave. They could then get into a high speed chase, and maybe it could have been your car full of kids or family that he rammed into in the intersection, taking their lives instead of his. I guess when your daily routine consist of poisoning your own family, friends and community, you would need a bullet proof vest. You know, say he took it like a man and was arrested. You people would be in the courtroom saying what a good person he is. How he cares about people and how he is a father figure to kids. Well if these are the type of MEN you want being father figures, that teach them to disrespect other people, authority, and that its ok to sell drugs to people. Or its ok to go to bed with several different women and have children he cant support, be my guest. Because the sad reality is that the drug dealer and wanna be gangsters are molding these children to be just like them. They will mimic his every move and walk in every step. They too, will break the laws of our state and country, sell drugs to make a quick dollar, and poison their own community. Why because you were to busy pointing the finger instead of fixing the problem. So everyone who thinks the police were just doing this to be mean to a black man, maybe you should spend more time helping them get the drug dealers out of your neighborhoods, than bashing them on the internet. Because if you don't, we will all be on here talking about this crap again when the next drug dealer dies. This wasn't the first time a drug dealer has been killed, it wont be the last. That is unless you quite teaching your kids this behavior is acceptable and that the police are the bad guys. Maybe then you too can learn to respect the police and authority, because I hate to break it to you, they arent going anywhere. And please for the love of God, quite making this a racial issue. How many white people would be this irrate if a white drug dealer got shot because he tried to use deadly force against a black police officer. Not many. I am white, and I would have told the officer thanks for trying to make this place a better place for my children. Not second guess his actions to preserve others lives, as well as his own. You know sometimes, in order to secure the freedom, and protect the lives of others, you have take one. Thats why we arent speaking German or Japanese.
Same replies, different subject. The blacks will say it's murder, wrongful death, biased cops, etc. The whites will say drug dealer, good riddance, great officers, etc.
I'm so tired of hearing "this needs to stop". People have been saying that for generations--has it EVER made a difference? Accept that there are bad people in this world. Nature will work it all out in the end.
Thank you! I couldn't have said it better myself! I think BPD does a great job, and these officers should be called heros. No telling how many lives they saved that night. They are always in my prayers.
When in a critical incident training kicks in. Police are trained to STOP the threat and nothing else. They are not trained to kill. These officers reacted just as training dictates. They reacted to a threat and stopped the threat just as trained. To all of those who have negative things to say - PUT ON A UNIFORM AND A BADGE AND LETS SEE HOW YOU REACT TO SOMEONE TRYING TO TAKE YOUR LIFE!!!!!
This is for people who do not know what it is like growing up in the hood. You are sourrounding by nice neighbors, nice cars, nice houses, even a nice amount of money. Out here where I'm from, it's a struugle and you have to get out there and make it the best way you now how. See where I'm from when you make a mistake there aren't second chances. When you go to get a job and they see you have a record, reguardless if you tell them you are trying to change your life, just because you messed up that one time they won't hire you. I was a close friend to Mike an you people are on the outside looking in. Yes, he was living a fast life, but that man told me about a month before he past that he wanted to change his life, go to college so he can better himself. But he didn't have a chance to change his life, his life was taken from him. If those officers say he was coming at them so, why didn't the car keep rolling. If he was moving so fast in that vechile that they felt threatened, it would have right! If you see you are going to be hit by something, your first reaction would be to jump out of the way. So all that is bull. He didn't deserve to die, there are people out there who have done worst than that, who still have there lives to live. You may be use to calling that laws and they come in a flash, but out here where I'm from, it can take up to a hour or more before they show. So by the time the police get on the scene we have alredy taken care of the situation. So talk only what you know. Since you not from the hood, you don't know, so stay out of it. See I'm from the hood, but I'm busting my tail to get out. I am a sinlge mother, working a full time job, and attending college. See some of us out here do try, even when you make it hard for us. The hood is what makes us stong, because it's a struggle out here, but we won't give up. In this case we won't give up until justice is served, and I pray that when judgment day gets here, GOD shall have mercy on their souls.
BeaumontEnterprise.com wrote:i think its sad for anyone to die in that manner but if your gonna play the game dont start bitchin when the other team scores a point. there are a lot of what ifs so all that about him changing his life is a crock. he was selling crack got caught and now hes dead.
Please post your comments on the Wednesday night police shooting
-- Edited by BeaumontEnterprise.com at 13:28, 2008-01-24
-- Edited by BeaumontEnterprise.com at 15:21, 2008-01-24
From a friend: I didnt know the the world still held dumb people in it but,it does and i want to say this before you judge Mike, family, or friends maybe you need to sit down and just be quite you dont know what he been through or was going through for him to to make the choice he did.No, im not saying that it was a good decision to make but he was a child, someone's child and he could have had a chance to change his life in jail or not. He didnt kill anyone, rape anyone, or hurt a child he sold drugs(no it wasn't right) but bottom line is he could have had a chance being a young black man to make a choice and change his life style. There are people that have been put in jail or even out for doing something worse then what he did but he dont have a chance they do. They say he was shot because he was tryig to flee the seen, and didnt want him to hurt or take someone's life, well if that was the case why not shoot the tires out or something but kill him come on, the cop that shot him im not saying he wasnt doing job, i have nothing against police at all but he wasnt no sharp shooter he could have shot someone trying to shoot Mike so basically all im saying My friend Mike should have had a chance to live, to change his life, and maybe one day have a story to tell to somebody else thats going down the wrong path!!!!!!!!!!!Can i get a AMEN.
Boy!!!! Poor poor thing. He goes to get something to eat, brings along 2 so call FRIENDS with him. Wears vest to place an order thru the drive thru window. Was he afraid the girl at the window was going to shoot him? He was a high school star in football, wonder if he wore his vest under his pads. His mother admitted on tv that he quit his job because it pay much that selling drugs made him richer. Where was his many good friends or family that could have talked to him and maybe get him some help? Bad cops...ha,ha. Yeah right! Only thing wrong here is that they were WHITE. I bet these same family members and good friends are the first ones to call the POLICE when the need help. So, JUST2UPSET get over it! If you need help in the future, don't call the cops turn to your friends you listed at the bottom of your reply. OK?722092
The interesting part of this whole situation is that this guy who got shot could have just given himself up when the police busted him.
But he didn't, he decided to run. He was obviously well intended to find trouble that night because he was wearing body armor. So instead of getting arrested, posting bail and going back to his family that night, he ran, backed into a squad car and then tried to run over two cops. And then... heres the funny part..
People think the police are the bad guys here?
Good God!
Like in that one reply.. "Its traggic!"
Yes it was tragic. The subject could have just given up and all this could have been avoided.
The man was wearing a bullet proof vest for god sakes. He expected trouble to happen. I guarantee he had every intention of killing the people/person in front of him. I don't feel bad, another crackhead off the streets:Good Riddance-----
What gets me is the Guy did wrong and yes if it would have been one of my family members I would want to second guess what happened but in the end ,still know the police did what they had to do. What would have been better the guy selling the drugs to a young child and the child dying from an overdose there is too many people trying to point fingers at who was right and who was wrong . Does it change the outcome ? No Does it make the family feel better ? No . Nothing changes he is still gone and nothing you can do will bring him back . Nothing the police will do will bring him back the end result is the same. And he should have known better than selling drugs if he was such an outstanding football player he should have gone to college and made something of hisself or got a better job. But I would say I am sorry he is gone but he took his life as well as his choice in his own hands . The police didn't ask him to sell the drugs the police didn't ask him to be there that night . He did what he wanted to do on his own free will and the police didn't hold a gun to his head to make him do anything .He knew what he was doing and he knew it was wrong . But Like I said nothing changes so the end is still the same . So lets try to comfort his family instead of beating everyone up . Ya'll are just keeping this like an open wound for them. Again I am sorry for your loss.
When "law enforcement"officers,enforce the law,instead of TAKING IT INTO THIER OWN HANDS,then we DO as a people have a reason and a DUTY to support and applaud them...However,when,through ignorance,fear or REVENGE,they CHOOSE to kill....They MUST BE STOPPED!!!Just because the media reports something,does not mean that it is the truth.The law enforcement community has a history of abuses AS A WHOLE...This DOES NOT MEAN that there are'nt good cops out there....Don't judge a book by its cover...Mike's Mom lost her son...Michelle and Shirley lost thier brother,Yolanda,Nora and Crissy lost thier nephew....and those 4 boys lost the father figure that they looked up to and respected...and I lost a good friend.
So in your opinion, using deadly force to prevent being crushed by a fleeing truck is "taking the law into your own hands?" They are the law. The father figure drug dealer who got shot didn't have to try to run over the cops. He could have just been a real man and got arrested and owned up to his mistake in life. But he didn't. He went after that elusiveness of being a dope slinger on the streets, so much so he had to wear body armor. He knew what he was getting into and you play him like he was a saint?
Revenge? I guess you're the person in the report that said the police should have shot out the tires. I'd like to see what you would have done if somebody came barreling at you in a truck escaping the police, after ramming a police car in reverse and you had nowhere to go. What would you do? In your eyes the police are wrong, so what's your better plan for this?
You lost a good friend, I'm sorry for that. But if you were a better friend you would have told him that it was a foolish and stupid thing to do to get into crime when you have a family, to do it wearing a bullet proof vest, to do it in busy public area, to ram a police car when caught, to try to run down police officers while making an escape. Maybe not you.. anybody. A pastor, a friend, a teacher, a family member..
But nobody did and look what happened now?
Nobody cares that two cops had to kill somebody. Two normal guys doing a job hardly anybody wants to do, had to kill a man who was trying to run them over.
Over the next several days and weeks we will hear family and friends of the drug dealer talk about how good of a person he was, that he never hurt anyone, and that he didn't deserve to die, etc., etc., etc.
Although we (the public) may never know the full details, and as another poster has already pointed out we don't always get the full story or truth from the news, we do know that 1) undercover officers made a drug buy from this person; 2) that person was wearing a bullet proof vest which indicates that he knew that what he was doing had the potential for deadly conflict and certainly not a random or innocent act; 3) he was desparate to escape and in doing so put other people's lives in danger.
Folks, this was not an innocent act. This person was involved in the commission of a crime and the officers were doing their job. As far as not having to shoot him, I could go on and on about how a dangerous a vehicle can be in such a case. It becomes a powerful and deadly weapon that injure or kill in fractions of a second.
Remember Lisa Beauleu and Conrad Gernales. The officers responded with the necessary force to stop injury to themselves or others. If the person who died was a victim, he was a victim of his own acts. Period.
Why would you encourage children to look up to a person like that. He should be made an example of. Those officers acted on instinct and with precision (look at the cluster of holes in the windshield). Three people were in the car and only the target was killed. Textbook all across the country!
RE: Beaumont Police shoot, kill man during undercover bust
When "law enforcement"officers,enforce the law,instead of TAKING IT INTO THIER OWN HANDS,then we DO as a people have a reason and a DUTY to support and applaud them...However,when,through ignorance,fear or REVENGE,they CHOOSE to kill....They MUST BE STOPPED!!!Just because the media reports something,does not mean that it is the truth.The law enforcement community has a history of abuses AS A WHOLE...This DOES NOT MEAN that there are'nt good cops out there....Don't judge a book by its cover...Mike's Mom lost her son...Michelle and Shirley lost thier brother,Yolanda,Nora and Crissy lost thier nephew....and those 4 boys lost the father figure that they looked up to and respected...and I lost a good friend.
The man was wearing a bullet proof vest for god sakes. He expected trouble to happen. I guarantee he had every intention of killing the people/person in front of him. I don't feel bad, another crackhead off the streets:Good Riddance!
Law enforcement officers get the least respect of any professions. Unless you have been in law enforcement and experienced what they do, you only know one side of the story. When they put on their uniforms, get into a patrol car, and go out and put their lives on the line everyday, it is a service that only a very few special people can handle. I would be willing to bet if we were to take all law enforcement officers off the streets for 24 hours, people would treat them a lot differently. To all law enforcement officers, I salute you and keep up the good work.