I believe that Officer Beaulieu has already been granted almost sainthood since her untimely death. Her personal history that I am familiar with cer- tainly would not hold up to sainthood criteria. I understand her friends want to try to keep her memory alive but enough is enough. I understand animals were her great love so why not do some kind of memorial in that area? She certainly does not deserve any more honor than the other local officers who have been killed in the line of duty.
How about we just rename the city after office Beaulieu? That's what I'm pushing for. I'm still persuaded that, listening tothat rap music, McCrae steered his car into her on purpose.
So, we need to honor her and rename the city. I agree that this was a capital murder and a hate crime!
I agree that a scholarship at the Regional Police Academy where she attended would be appropriate. I put myself through the Academy, and can tell you it all adds up. It cost me close to $2500.00 after tuition, uniforms, belts, etc. Luckily my gun was loaned to me by another fellow officer to use during the Academy. I think this would be a great way to honor her and also let the New Cadets know of the dangers they are about to encounter.
we could name the strip where she was hit, atleast that portion of Eastex. that would be good. i'd also like to see a park, Beaulieu Park.
I agree that a scholarship at the Regional Police Academy where she attended would be appropriate. I put myself through the Academy, and can tell you it all adds up. It cost me close to $2500.00 after tuition, uniforms, belts, etc. Luckily my gun was loaned to me by another fellow officer to use during the Academy. I think this would be a great way to honor her and also let the New Cadets know of the dangers they are about to encounter.
I think naming a street after an officer killed in the line of duty is a great idea. I believe we should include Hulsey,Lane and Gernale. A couple of these officers had young children and will not remember the recogintion the community gave to their parent. However a street name will last as an honor through kids and grandkids. I dont think Eastex is a good idea though.
We should name the freeway after her. That's how she should be honored.
I think naming a street after an officer killed in the line of duty is a great idea. I believe we should include Hulsey,Lane and Gernale. A couple of these officers had young children and will not remember the recogintion the community gave to their parent. However a street name will last as an honor through kids and grandkids. I dont think Eastex is a good idea though.
I'm ok with naming a street after her. But, Eastex Freeway needs to stay Eastex Freeway! How else will people traveling through Beaumont know where they are going????
Home Brewed wrote:We need to make sure Beaulieu gets justice first! It will be dishonorable to name a street after her if we let her assailant slip through the legal cracks for his intentional actions!
Veering off the road to strike officer Beaulieu on purpose is tantamount to shooting an officer, which is the same thing as CAPITAL MURDER!
I can't, won't and none of us should support a street name without demanding justice for her assailant!
vox_populi_jr wrote:
It is far more important that we determine if McCray ran into Beaulieu on purpose.
Why? What does intent have to do with her death and any honoring of her memory?
As a fellow officer and someone who has known and worked with Lisa for about ten years I believe that a scholarship would be a more appropriate way to honor Lisa's life and sacrifice. Anyone who knew Lisa would agree that becoming a police officer was the accomplishement of which she was most proud. Her road to attaining that goal was not an easy one but she persevered and kept trying until she was successful. That is the Lisa I remember and a sholarship would be the most significant memorial.
Name a scholarship at the police academy after her, a golf tournament such as The Hulsey or something similar. While Lisa's death was a tragic reminder of both the consequences of DWI and the sacrifice that officers risk, she should take her place right along side Mike Lane, Conrad Grenale, Paul Hulsey, etc. Her sacrifice as an officer is not any higher nor any lower than the other officers that have gone before her and for those that will surely follow.
I am very interested in starting a drive to get a street renamed here in Beaumont where our first female police officer and personal friend was killed by a drunk driver. Her life was ended way before her time and I feel that she should be immortalized by having a street (maybe Eastex) here named something like the Lisa Beaulieu Memorial Highway.
Is there anyone else out there who has the same feelings or is this issue as dead as Lisa is?