White history month White entertainment television Ivory White Miss America White Journalists Association Historically White Colleges White Coaches Association National Association for the Advancement of Non-Colored People
How does that feel?
Fact is, you still didn't answer the question. You simply created unrelevant examples of things which will never be allowed to exist
White history month White entertainment television Ivory White Miss America White Journalists Association Historically White Colleges White Coaches Association National Association for the Advancement of Non-Colored People
Black history month Black entertainment television Ebony Black Miss America Black Journalists Association Historically Black Colleges Black Coaches Association National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Funny how in those Citicard identity theft commercials (with the voiceovers), all voices are of white people. Wonder what would happen if one of the voices was from a black, would citicard get sued?? You can bet Sharpton (biggest racist of all) would say that was implying that blacks steal, and that is a stereotype from 50 years ago. (yeah right)
Double standard. Whites have learned to live with that.
Yes, Don Imus shoud have been fired. Freedom of speech does not protect him from the foul insulting things he said to the girls basketball team. They are all young professionals and good Kids just trying be make good grades and play great basketball. Here comes Imus's mouth spewing all sorts of foul words at then. Imu's is a pittifull old man that needs to be retired and off of the air so he cannot harm others with his hatefull attention sensationizing words.
As far as rap music goes the words used to belittle women should be censorded. Remove words like N____r, W___e must go now are so hurtfull and degrading to everyone. Can this be cleaned up and still make money, I think so!
White people do not have their own organizations as blacks do; NAACP, Negro college fund, - I walk into the grocery stores and while standing in line I see;- Jet magazine, Ebony, Modern Black Woman, along with an entire book stand of books All for blacks, there is the Black Business Mens Association, they have their own Black Pages- as opposed to the white pages, Miss Black beauty pageants- I could go on and on, BUT when a white person says that he/she is proud to be white, forget it babe. We can't have anything for whites only anymore- but the blacks can do anything they please, why you ask? Simply because they are black, if one happens to work for you, you can't fire them, write them up, or even look at them because if you do they will accuse you of being racist and sue you. Black men degrade & drag black women down more than anyone, just listen to any rap song or watch a rap video, but let a white man mumble any sort of slang or slur & he will be burned at the stake. I'm personally glad Imus said what he did, this IS a free country, blacks say & do anything they feel at any time they feel like doing it & no one does anything about it because they are black & they blame everything bad that happens to them on whites being prejudice- that is pure BULLSHIT. I know this- I am white & I am extremely proud to be white, & I am sick & tired of walking on egg-shells around blacks because their ancestors were enslaved several, several decades ago, white men & women of today did not enslave their ancestors- & it is definitely not our fault that they are still black. MLK would be in shock if he were here today to see how blacks treat one another. And guess what? This comment that Imus made will make him the richest he has ever been because all of the publicity (that the blacks are giving him) They say that he has been around for 30 years, well, I am 41 & I haven't heard of Imus until this incident, so if you are white & you want to get lots of publicity- say something about a black & you'll be all over the news- & make money off of it to boot!! YEA BABY!!
Anonymous wrote:
As a veteran of the U.S. armed services, (USAF) I highly resent the firing of Don Imus. I agree the remark is crude and very disrespectful. I also agree (and many men and women have fought and died to protect) that he has the unequivocable right to say it. If the filth of Howard Stern, the racism and bigotry of Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson are tolerated, and often praised, the off color remark by Imus should be treated with as much indifference. I am appalled at BET, The United Negro College Fund, Miss Black America, the NCAAP, and any other part of society that promotes racism and the advance of one people over another based solely on race. The media seems to be solely interested in freedom of speech (they are notorious for reporting half truths and out right lies) and the firing of Don Imus should not be tolerated by any truly free American.
As a veteran of the U.S. armed services, (USAF) I highly resent the firing of Don Imus. I agree the remark is crude and very disrespectful. I also agree (and many men and women have fought and died to protect) that he has the unequivocable right to say it. If the filth of Howard Stern, the racism and bigotry of Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson are tolerated, and often praised, the off color remark by Imus should be treated with as much indifference. I am appalled at BET, The United Negro College Fund, Miss Black America, the NCAAP, and any other part of society that promotes racism and the advance of one people over another based solely on race. The media seems to be solely interested in freedom of speech (they are notorious for reporting half truths and out right lies) and the firing of Don Imus should not be tolerated by any truly free American.
unger wrote: The president of BET (Black Entertainment Television) gave a telephone interview on MSNBC "Hardball" night before last. He was VERY against the terms that were used by Imus, but- when the host of the program asked him about all of the music videos, programs, etc., on BET, which all portray and degrade women, he replied: 'That's not the same'. Well, SORRY- Mr. president of BET, who by the way I might add IS black- WHAT??, we only persecute the whites now? I hear blacks calling one-another the "N word" EVERY SINGLE DAY, but when a white man uses the term "whoe"- LOOK OUT- here comes "Jessie & Al", How about "preaching" to the blacks who degrade their OWN race everyday?-, If Freedom of Speech is going to be "Freedom of Speech", then we should all be able to say what we want to say. If a WHITE man put out a music video that used the term "N word - whoe", the blacks would have a riot, he would be racist all the way, but blacks do it constantly and none of the black "leaders" say a word about it. Isn't this a double standard? Isn't this hypocritical? I believe it is pure ignorance coming the black race, and STILL BLAMING the white race for all of their "misfortunes". Bottom line: Blacks need to STOP calling each other the "N-word", STOP degrading their OWN race and STOP separating THEMSELVES from everyone else if they want to be treated EQUAL. HOW WILL YOU EVER BE TREATED AS EQUALS IF YOU KEEP THROWING YOURSELVES INTO A SEPARATE CATAGORY? STOP the MOANING and WHINING because you are black and try to behave as respectable decent human beings. THANK YOU.
When free speech finally applies to people of color (we used to say colored, negro, afro-american or black) equally as "those people" want to make it apply to Don Imus, then the world will be a better place. The trouble with "those people" is that they want their cake and eat it too. Only the chosen 'people of color' can use such terminology as the "N" word. Don Imus is just the latest in a long lineup of targets over the years that the (less than honorable) Al (ambulance chaser) Sharpton and Jesse Jack(ass)son have picked on. So much for the reverends' championship of love and forgiveness they have 'preached' from their pulpits. Good old Al and Jesse have taken the word hypocrite to a new low. How proud they must feel at this moment. They're just as bad as that Shabazz character who refuses to apologize to the Duke lacrosse players who he called guilty based on nothing except his hate for white folks.
When free speech finally applies to people of color (we used to say colored, negro, afro-american or black) equally as "those people" want to make it apply to Don Imus, then the world will be a better place. The trouble with "those people" is that they want their cake and eat it too. Only the chosen 'people of color' can use such terminology as the "N" word. Don Imus is just the latest in a long lineup of targets over the years that the (less than honorable) Al (ambulance chaser) Sharpton and Jesse Jack(ass)son have picked on. So much for the reverends' championship of love and forgiveness they have 'preached' from their pulpits. Good old Al and Jesse have taken the word hypocrite to a new low. How proud they must feel at this moment. They're just as bad as that Shabazz character who refuses to apologize to the Duke lacrosse players who he called guilty based on nothing except his hate for white folks.
This issue was made to be about race by many people and primarily the media. As a parent of two young women, I found the use of the word "Ho" as the real issue. HE CALLED THESE YOUNG WOMEN WHORES! This is the issue!! I would not allow ANYONE to call my daughters whores! But it should be pointed out that many of the so called singers of this same generation do the same thing on a daily basis and that has allowed and empowered Mr. Imus to "repeat" their filth.
Should he be fired for repeating what Spike Lee and the so called musicians of today spew from their mouths? He should only be fired IF the same set of standards are enforced on Spike Lee and other "entertainers". I personally don't think Don Imus should have been on the air to begin with but that is another matter.
Maybe you only pay attention to those. This forum certainly asks more questions than just race. Besides, Rev. Al Sharpton seems to think its the end of the world each time.
The double-standard is sickening - white folks can be attacked and disparaged by other races and we are supposed to allow it in the name of "tolerance". Many rappers use this vile language in the filth that they produce and we are supposed to accept it as "art" or "personal expression". It's OK for a black to use the "N" word against another black, but God forbid a white person utter the "N" word. Give me a break!!! I fully expect to see some heads start to roll when other races defame whites and when can we expect Reverend Al's PUBLIC apology for the false claims he made about the Duke lacrosse players?
Imus made a stupid remark but to lose his job over it is ridiculous! Sharpton led the way for his firing. What about a call to ban Sharpton from hurtful public displays? Remember Tawanna Brawley? Now we have the Lacrosse Players. Sharpton led both. They were lies and much more hurtful than what Imus said.
This is now a moot point...he has been fired, thanks to Al Sharpton's threat to CBS to organize a picket line!
I've never cared for Imus but I care even less for people like "Revs." Sharpton and Jackson who use every opportunity to advance their agenda. It's OK for rappers to refer to their own as "pimps & hos" but never let those words out of a white person's mouth!
Fired over what? Having an opinion (be it a strong and extremely unpopular one)?
As you can see in this photo taken from the tournament, the white girl is DEFINATELY nappy headed. Of course, she is in the middle of a basketball game. Honestly, the back shot of number 10 results in her looking very much exactly like one of the male basketball players. As far as hoes? I think thats a stretch, but I can see where he might be going with the comedy. Using pop culture slang terms might not be the best comedy routine for someone with a foot in the grave to use, though.
This is certainly not a firing offense... not when your job is as a radio personality. Americans have become wussified and need to start toughening up. These women may have a desire to still be dainty and elegant, but they're muscular amazon women. Nobody likes hearing the truth or even made fun of, but someone should lose their job because you don't like what they said? Forgive, forget, GET OVER IT!
-- Edited by Kavien at 09:25, 2007-04-12
-- Edited by BeaumontEnterprise.com at 17:03, 2007-04-12
Yes he should get fired. For someone to speak the things he did about young females in a collegiate institution and acheiving the things they did is not acceptable. just because rappers do it is no excuse for him to do it. Being someone who has been in broadcasting for over 30 years should know better. He has repeatedly made racial comments on the air and gotten away with it. Don Imus is not a comedian and nor is his morning show funny. His producer should also take the fall for him for making the comments first. The simple fact that rappers and comedians do it doesnt make it right by them or for Don Imus to repeat the comments he made.
-- Edited by BeaumontEnterprise.com at 17:04, 2007-04-12
I do not agree with Imus' comment, but I DO NOT think he should be fired or be made to retire. He has apologized repeadly. It was a huge mistake. The Rappers demean all women all the time and nothing is being done about it. Lets be fair!!
-- Edited by BeaumontEnterprise.com at 17:03, 2007-04-12
Imus should be disciplined, but should not be fired. If you look at language in rap songs, things that are far worst than that are being said. And do not forget he said it in a joking manner, i could understand if it was a racist rant like Michael Richards, but it was something that was just said off the top of his head. In the heat of making comments he made a mistake in which he is very remorseful of and he has apologized many times. There is no need for Al Sharpton to be involved this was not a racist attack.
-- Edited by Brians7754 at 16:22, 2007-04-11
-- Edited by BeaumontEnterprise.com at 17:03, 2007-04-12