Well, Ozen started out as a magnet school and it has been a magnet for trouble.
It was reported in the Houston Press this week that the young girl and her parents at the center of the KKK sex club controversy is suing BISD to the tune of 1.25 million dollars.
Is anyone suprised?
From the description of Ozen and it's problems you'd think they were reporting about some inner city school in Houston not Beaumont.
But guess who's coming back asking for more money in a bond issue this year? BISD.
New buildings are not going to solve the problems of BISD.
Some people think the solution is white flight or sending your kids to a private school or vouchers. But we are all through tax money investing in these schools and the students that they turn out.
We need to demand more for our money. This is about the quality of life in Beaumont and making it the best place possible to live. New businesses and people are not going to come into a community with a school district like this. Beaumont as a community will die if we do not address this problem with the schools.
Until the black and white communities learn to work with each other instead of against each other things are not going to change. The schools will get worse.