All our discussion here won't settle anything. We are doing well in exercising our freedom of speech and press. It's up to the Supreme Court to look at everything and figure out what to do. Here's a few things to consider. The so-called 'birth certificate' the Hawaii 'officials' claim is real is actually a suspicious 'certificate of live birth' that is incomplete. Such documents are not accepted by Hawaii for even a drivers' license. And it is laser printed -- such printers did not exist back in 1961, all documents such as this were typewritten. The Hawaii 'official' who declared the 'birth certificate' as genuine appears to be lying. Even if by some miracle it were a real certification of live birth (as opposed to a Certificate of Live Birth, which is a much more official document) there is still a problem with a later document, an Indonesian school registration for the late 60s for Barry Soetero. Indonesia does not allow dual citizenship so Barry was 100% an Indonesian citizen at that time. See for yourself at Indonesian citizenship
And there's all the other questions to be answered about his later years. That's a job for the Supreme Court to handle, and the sooner the better.
Isn't it amazing that Sen. McCain was questioned about the Panama Canal birth eligibility and completely cleared, yet no one would get around to asking Obama about his lack of birth eligibility? If there's nothing to hide, why not show everything, answer all the questions, produce all the documents and settle it? Why has Obama spent nearly a million dollars to hide his birth records and college records? This is not about any one political party, it's about following the Constitution of the United States in regards to its clearly written Presidential eligibility requirements. Once the Supreme Court looks at all the evidence thoroughly, the matter will be settled. But not before then.
I'm glad the "birthers" of the republiKKKan party are pushing their agenda.
The Democrats are especially happy that this issue won't die. The longer it drags on, the more it makes the republiKKKans look like the fools they are to the rest of the world. Or are they known now as the NO party?
The McCain campaign fell for it during the presidential campaign and did an investigation which proved to the public that the issue of Obama's citizenship is pure bu$hit. What about McCain? He was born in the Panama Canal Zone. That's not a natural born citizen? I have a relative who was born to American parents in the Panama Canal Zone and had to fight tooth and nail with the State of Texas to get his drivers' license because the license bureau couldn't figure out if he was an American.
What the conservanazis can't admit is that they lost to an African-American that is more popular and smarter than them.
-- Edited by Texasvietvet on Sunday 26th of July 2009 06:14:51 AM
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag carrying a cross." Sinclair Lewis
This invented conspiracy theory only hurts the intellectual standing of the party of Sarah Palin, but let me remind you that John McCain himself had this issue investigated and dismissed it as ludicrous. Who believes viral e-mails and internet web sites over the Governor of Hawaii? Short answer: conspiracy nuts. The long cut-and-paste job above is a conspiracy cult rant from a right wing wacko on a blog.
Now can we get on to reality, like two wars, failing economy, health crisis, global warming, renewable energy and the importance of an accurate census, Rep. Ted Poe? (and stop embarassing us on Lou Dobbs?)
The short editorial comment in the July 24, 2009 issue shows that the Enterprise is on the wrong side of reason. The only one being embarassed here is the Enterprise, for ignoring the mountain of evidence that proves Barry is not qualified to be in the office of the Presidency. Rep. Poe is correct in seeking the truth. This is NOT a "rumor", people, this is fact. Where's the birth certificate? Better to be a 'birther' than a 'sheeple'. Read this, for starters: ....................................... March 30, 2009 American Free Press
Was Barack Obama ever eligible to be president of the United States ? Have he and his wife committed massive tax fraud?
Has he perjured himself? Has a forger been at work on his personal documents? These are just a few questions feisty lady lawyer, Orly Taitz, recently demanded Supreme Court Justice John Roberts to address.
When Chief Justice John Roberts opened the floor to questions following a recent speech at the University of Idaho, he and 5,000 people finally heard the truth about an attorneys frustrated attempts to have the court force purported President Obama to prove his naturalborn American citizen status.
When the audience was told after the lecture that they could ask questions, Russian-born Dr. Orly Taitz, the southern California lawyer handling the suit filed by former presidential candidate Alan Keyes et al., was the first to run for the microphone.
I left home at three oclock in the morning and flew and drove thousands of miles to talk to you and ask you a question, she said to the chief justice. Are you aware that there is criminal activity going on in the Supreme Court of the United States ? I have submitted my Lightfoot vs. Bowen case to you. You agreed to hear it in the conference of all nine justices on January 23rd.
Your clerk, Danny Bickle, on his own accord, refused to forward to you an important supplemental brief that he has hidden from you and refused to post on the docket. Additionally, my case was completely erased from the docket one day after the inauguration, only two days before it was supposed to be heard in the conference. Outraged citizens had to call and demand for it to be posted. I saw Justice (Antonin) Scalia, and he had absolutely no knowledge of my case that was supposedly heard in conference on January 23rd. It is inexplicable, particularly knowing that roughly half a million American citizens have written to him and to you, Justice Roberts, demanding that you hear this issue of eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, to be the president of the United States.
At this point she showed Roberts a stack of papers, her pleadings and printouts containing the names of some 350,000 people who had signed the petition, and the chief justice, lassoed with no comfortable avenue of escape, surrendered.
I will read your documents, he said. Give them to my Secret Service Agent and I will review them. Taitz had a full suitcase of documents which she then handed to a Secret Service Agent who showed his ID, introduced himself as Gilbert Shaw and promised her that Justice Roberts would get20them.
The tenacious Orly Taitz had done her homework well. In addition to 3,300 pages of the signees of the petition, were a motion to reconsider Lightfoot vs. Bowen, with all the supplemental briefs, and a copy of Quo Warranto Easterling et al. vs. Obama et al., the challenge by military officers of Obamas qualifications to be their commander-in-chief.
In addition, she included a 164-page dossier and all the other documents sent to Eric Holder, attorney general, describing suspected criminal activity associated with Obama and his supporters. It described a whole campaign of cyb er crimes, intimidation, harassment, defamation and assassination of character, and the mysterious impersonation of her and U.S. Army officer Scott Easterling by persons unknown. It showed screen shots of information being erased from the docket of the Supreme Court and contained information of court cases being created and fabricated in order to commit voter fraud and sway public opinion.
The package also contained the astounding list of 100 addresses for Barack Obama with numerous different Social Security numbers, issued all over the country and attached to those addresses.
It showed the address Obama used in Somerville, Mass. , attached to the Social Security of a man who, if still living, is 118 years old. It showed evidence of Obama committing perjury, lying under oath. It had his school registration from Indonesia under the name Barry Soetoro, citizen of Indonesia, religion: Muslim. Right after this page there was a page of Obamas registration to become an attorney and office of the court in Illinois , where he stated under oath that his name is Barack Hussein Obama and he had no other prior names. It contained a report from federal agent Steven Coffman, stating that there are numerous signs of forgery in his Selective Service certificate.
Furthermore, the dossier contained a letter from renowned expert Sandra Line, stating that there are signs of forgery in Obamas short version Certification of Live Birth, and the original birth certificate needs to be reviewed in order to ascertain his status.
It contained 130 current job positions for Barry Obama, Barack H. Obama and Michelle Obama, but none of them was reported on the Obamas tax returns.
All of these documents suggest possible massive tax fraud, corruption of a public official, bribery and massive campaign contributions fraud, whereby large campaign contributions, well over allowed limits, were reported as fictitious positions with different companies, not surprisingly involving most mainstream media outlets.
As one of the announcers introduced Roberts, he stated that Roberts has his priorities straight. He described an event when Roberts missed most of a reception because he wanted to be there for his young son, at the sports tournament where his son was participating. He described Roberts as a caring and loving father.
I missed time with my children, too, says Taitz, becau se I am criss-crossing this country talking to justices of the Supreme Court, representatives, senators, FBI agents, attorney generals, U.S. attorneys; asking all of them, What is wrong with you? Did some evil magician put a spell on the men in this country and you stopped being men? Why are you afraid to speak up, to stand up for your Constitution? At least now everybody at that meeting knows the truth and knows that the leftist media thugs, such as the Seattle Washington Observer, shamelessly twists the truth to fit their pro-Obama, blind idiot agenda.
I hope Justice Roberts teaches his son by example and not by empty words, she said.
Please if your mother is a American citizen and happens to be traveling or visiting another country and has a baby. It is still a American, get over it you stupid Back stabbing hippocrit republican christians have screwed this country up long enough GO AWAY. You talk about saving UN born babies but not having a national health care to save millions of uninsured destined to die from not being able to see a doctor. Save Unborn babies but let millions of breathing Americans slowly die, You and your Republican hippocrits are jerks how two faced.
No one is 'president-elect' until Dec. 15, when the Electoral College meets and casts their votes. Call your U.S. Congressional representative NOW and demand a full investigation!
22 NOVEMBER 2008: During a recent program aired on Detroit's WRIF 101 FM "Mike in the Morning" radio program a decision was made to make a phone call to the Kenyan Embassy in Washington D.C. for the obvious purpose of having a little fun and in order to congratulate Kenyan's on the occassion of Barack Obama's election.
During the course of the call Mike and his co-host Trudy were connected to the Ambassador's office and after a short conversation with a secretary the Ambassador, His Excellency Peter OGEGO, pictured below, picked up the call.
At approximately 12:30 into the MP3 recording another of Mike's co-hosts asks Ambassador, "President-elect Obama's birthplace over in Kenya, is that going to be a national spot to go visit, where he was born?"
Ambassador Ogego responds, "It's, um, already an attraction. His, his, uh, pateral grandmother is still alive..."
The questioner then interjects, "But his birthplace, they'll put up a marker there?"
Ambassador Ogego responds, "It depends on the government, it's already well known."
Kenyan Ambassador Peter Ogego just annouced to the whole world on live radio that our assumed President-elect Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya, his birthplace is already an attraction, and placing a marker is up to the Kenyan government, but the location is already well known, intimating the the location does not need anything further to distinguish it.
This admission is a confirmation of the multiple statements made by Obama's paternal grandmother, referenced by Ambassador Ogego, about Obama's Kenyan birthplace.